Five Articles to Get You Ready For School

Five Articles to Get You Ready For School

The new school year is right around the corner. Succeeding in engineering coursework is no easy feat, especially when this may be the first time you’re taking an entire semester of classes completely remote. Here are five BYU Design Review Articles to help you succeed this year:

  1. Eight things the best students know by Chris Mattson. Why should you read it? From years of watching students common themes of success have emerged. Eight key principles for students are laid out to help students be successful.

  2. 3 Things CAD Beginners Should Do by Max Liechty. Why should you read it? I remember spending countless hours in the computer lab during my first engineering graphics course. Max lays out three simple tips that may save you a lot of time this semester.

  3. I Can Do Hard Things, but I Can’t Do All Things by Chris Mattson. Why should you read it? Learn lessons from a crowbar on how to effectively handle stress. When you have three midterms and a project due this article will come in very handy.

  4. Self Imposed Deadlines by Jake Hunter. Why should you read it? This semester you may be assigned some of the biggest projects of your life up to this point. To get through them without having to pull all nighters, or at least not so many you will need to start projects early and set small deadlines. This article will give you some important steps to do that.

  5. Sharing Your Design Work by Chris Mattson. Why should you read it? You may think that this will only apply to you when you are creating a new design for a part or product, but the same principles will apply as you prepare reports and presentations this semester.

Whether your classes are online or in person, we hope these articles will help the school year be a little easier for you.

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